Our Services

We provide you failsafe plans in the following

  • Entrepreneurial strategies
  • Business Assessment
  • Business simulations
  • Risk management
  • Accelerated performance of your team
  • Validation of your business plan
  • The review of specific projects to ensure they are fundable
  • Corporate governance

VMG Core Services

Clients seeking Capital

VMG Capital has extensive networks of contacts in the equity and debt markets. We have strong relationships with lenders, private equity houses, and high net worth investors. Through our network we connect those seeking capital for growth with those that seek well managed investment opportunities.

Upon completion of due diligence, VMG Capital determines the optimal funding structure for a business and prepares the required credit submissions for lenders or information memorandums for investors. VMG will run the “roadshow” to potential investors and manage the various consultants and professionals.

Mergers, Acquisitions and Sales

In times of change, such as business expansion, entering new markets or in times of contraction, VMG Capital can identify potential acquisitions or divestments and produce short-lists for opportunities. We will represent your business and approach potential businesses for acquisition. Similarly, we identify potential acquirers for businesses looking to divest all, or part of their enterprise.

VMG Capital services include

  • Analysing and assessing market values
  • Preparation of business profiles and information memorandums
  • Development of marketing plans
  • Screening and qualifying enquiries
  • Negotiating conditions of sale
  • Instructing solicitors and managing all aspects of the due diligence process including consultants

Corporate governance specialist

VMG are qualified members of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)

Our experience over 30 years in financial services places us in unique position to be able to spot the governance weaknesses.

Companies that have poor governance processes fail – we get it right.

Business simulations

VMG Capital specialises in creating business operating model simulators. This ‘crystal ball’ is useful for businesses who wish to illustrate how changes in business as usual (e.g. changes in operating assumptions, adoption of strategies, and expansion of business segments) will impact the company through tangible impacts on key performance indicators such as NPAT, EBITDA, cash balance, equity value, and return on capital.

VMG Capital works with clients from start to finish to create bespoke models that simulate their business using historical financials. The models are dynamic such that several assumption levers can be changed to test the resilience of the business and the impact of different operating cases on key financial metrics. Upon completion, VMG Capital can assist the client in execution of the simulated strategies.

Property Strategies

VMG Capital specialises in the creation of funds management businesses. Our services include

  • Strategic research and planning
  • Financial modelling
  • Due diligence management including financial, legal and physical
  • Transaction management
  • Capital raising – both debt and equity

For those corporates heavily exposed to property ownership or leasing, we can help you achieve

  • The optimal capital structure
  • Feasibility of the strategy
  • Own or lease considerations to optimise stakeholder value
  • Sale and lease-back transaction management
  • Creation of a diversified income stream through funds management

VMG Business Assessment

How much do you think your business is worth?

A common myth amongst business owners is that determining the value of your business is only important if you are looking to sell. While this is true, understanding the underlying value of your business can be crucial in raising capital and exploring future growth opportunities. A valuation does not only reflect how your company is performing now, but can also provide insight into where your business is heading in the future.

Placing an exact price on your business can be challenging. The VMG Business Assessment takes into account the qualitative and quantitative factors of your company to provide an estimation of value. The Assessment can help identify areas requiring enhancement and can serve as the basis for strategic decisions aimed at advancing and refining business operations.

How it works

The value of your business can be determined through an analysis of historical financial metrics such as the business’ overall net income, assets, liabilities, cash flow earnings or ability to pay down debt. All the data is projected over several years to build a profile of the business looking forward . However, alongside this there are several intangible, hard-to-measure factors such as business relationships, goodwill, intellectual capital and management personnel which will drive the longer-term growth and profitability of a business.

The worth of a business is ultimately dependent on its profitability and cash flows; however, this needs to be carefully balanced by the associated risk and qualitative factors impacting longer term value. To account for this, the VMG Business Assessment uses a hybrid approach, combining discounted cash flow (DCF) and a relative price to earnings ratio (P/E).

DCF Valuation: A discounted cash flow valuation is a financial valuation method used to estimate the intrinsic value of a business by taking account of future cash flow projections and determining its present value today. Through a mix of qualitative and quantitative questions, the VMG Business Assessment accounts for various risks a firm may bear and adjusts the intrinsic value accordingly.

Relative P/E Valuation: Uses financial ratios to provide a valuation that is relative to comparable companies trading within the same industry. A relative approach is more reflective of current market conditions, investor sentiment and the performance of peers within similar industries.

Combined these methodologies can guide you towards what your company might be worth. 

The VMG Score

Separate to the VMG Business Assessment, VMG Capital has developed an in depth questionnaire that attempts to identify the fundamental drivers of your company.

The VMG Score is a detailed assessment both qualitative and quantitative into the DNA of your business.

It takes approximately 3 hours to complete, in a guided interview with up to 3 executives from your company that can be done online or in person.

At the end of the process you end up with a clear picture of the performance capabilities of your company, and if you choose, a work plan to achieve a higher score and thereby higher value of your business.

At VMG Capital we arrange affordable business finance!

Stop and think about this – is the cost of borrowing at 25% per annum a smart deal? Come and talk to us first before you make a big mistake!

Business owners are seeking fast and easy finance which sees their business stand on its own without offering personal assets as security – we understand that!

We know that you don’t want to put up your personal assets as security but are happy to offer the assets of your business as collateral instead.

The Australian business lending market is cluttered with providers all seeking to lend you money – quick and easy! Search these phrases and you will be inundated with offers within 48 hours: “lines of credit”; “fast and flexible business finance”; “flexible business loans”; “small business loan specialist”; “unsecured business loan”; “get capital”; “line of credit loan”; “unsecured line of credit”; “borrow regardless of your credit history”; “…no need to use your home”; “take the hassle out of getting a business loan”, “small business loans “; “unsecured loans requiring no collateral or personal guarantees”; “business loans quick and smart”.

How can lenders provide you money at 25%+ per annum interest cost without understanding your business? Is your business really ready for a loan that costs 3-4 times what a bank charges?

None of the current lenders are able to offer an overdraft facility. VMG can arrange an overdraft where interest is only payable on the funds drawn. We also arrange term loans. We can explain the differences to you.

Come and talk to us at VMG

  • at VMG we help you understand what is possible and help your business to survive
  • we arrange finance  at a rate that is materially less than what is currently available
  • no personal collateral
  • even if your business is less than 12 months old we can arrange lines of credit which operate like an overdraft without freehold property as security

Case Study

  • < 12 months trading
  • $150,000 in monthly turnover
  • no freehold security
  • general security over the business
  • line fee payable on the total limit
  • interest only payable on the outstanding balance
  • monthly bank statements
  • facility limit $160,000

Our Process

We Services all Industries

We have a fast and simple process to understand what you can achieve


“We are both extremely satisfied with this outcome and simply put would not have been possible without your partnership. To achieve such an outcome in this economic climate is unprecedented” 

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